Monday, January 7, 2019

Clean & Organize

Clean & Organize

Its a new year so lets get organized and live a happier life.
Start with one room and with a four piles:
Keep, Donate, Trash & Sale.
When you start start small that way you won't get over whelmed. 
You don't have to spend a fortune to organize your home. 
You can find container or baskets at yard sales, dollar trees or discount stores for cheap prices.

If you start your days by cleaning off clutter from counters and tables it will help with the appearance of a cleaner room. 
When picking up clutter take a basket with you and place items in there so as you walk through your home you can place them where they belong.
Most people start to get over whelmed when starting to organize their homes but it won't over whelm you if you start small.
Make yourself a short cleaning list of things that need doing daily: dishes, wiping counters & making your bed.
Then assign a day to do mopping,  sweeping & vacuuming. 

Set aside a day for laundry, cleaning carpets then do it only on those days. Make sure to wash, dry & fold so that it is all done.
When you organize one area at a time it will take time but it will eventually be done and you will have the home that you desire. 

Remember not everything has to be done in one day and you can do this. 
I have started this myself.
Happy New Year lets get organized together.

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